Interior and Exterior Drain Clearance

Drain Clearance 66 Drain Clearance 66 Drain Clearance 66 Drain Clearance 66

Blocked or slow running drains can be a real problem.

Internal Drains

Blocked or slow running internal drains such as toilets, sinks and showers are in most cases a result of either foregin bodies such as sanitary products (including toilet roll!), food items, hair or a build up of grease, oils and fats.

External Drains

Common causes externally can be similar to internal drain problems with the addition of root ingress or pipes becoming dislodged or broken.

Using a range of equipment and techniques, we can quickly identify and treat the blockage.

High Pressure Water Jetting :

This is a very effective method for cutting through blockages and removing build up from pipes. In the often complicated French drainage system this method can prove to be invaluable.

Camera Inspections :

Where the cause of a blocked drain is not immediately obvious we can take a closer look with our specialised camera equipment. The camera can help identify root growth, broken or collapsed pipes, or locate foreign bodies.

We also offer annual / Pre-Season surveys which can spot issues before they turn into problems.

We offer a fast, no fuss service and in the majority of cases are able to offer a same day appointment in the Perpignan and Pyrenees Orientales area.

Your water will be draining away again before your know it!

All methods used are Fosse Friendly.

Whatever the problem - just give us a call